Central African stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It borders Chad in the north, Sudan in the east, the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the south and Cameroon in the west. Most of the CAR consists of Sudano-Guinean savannas but it also includes a Sahelo-Sudanese zone in the north and an equatorial forest zone in the south. Two thirds of the country lies in the basins of the Ubangi River, which flows south into the Congo River, while the remaining third lies in the basin of the Chari River, which flows north into Lake Chad. The Central African Republic is one of the poorest countries in the world and among the ten poorest countries in Africa.




Scott: #C10O (CD114)

Issued: 8.9.1963

African Postal Union Issue

Inside #C10: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #C46O (CD124)

Issued: 9.9.1967

African Postal Union Issue, 1967

Inside #C46: Stamp on Envelope

Scott: #C65P

(Thanks to Eli for the scan)

Issued: 14.2.1969


#J16 Inside #C65: Ubangi-Shari #J16O

Ubangi-Shari was a French colony in central Africa, a part of French Equatorial Africa. It was named after the Ubangi & Chari rivers along which it was colonised. It was established on December 29, 1903, from the Upper Ubangi (Haut-Oubangui) and Upper Shari (Haut-Chari) territories of the French Congo; renamed the Central African Republic (CAR) on December 1, 1958; and received independence on August 13, 1960.

Scott: #C82O

Issued: 15.9.1970

Knokphila '70


#2 Inside #C82: Belgium #2P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #C125O

Issued: 9.10.1974

Centenary, UPU

Inside #C125: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #C129O

Issued: 25.8.1975


Inside #C129: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #249-50O

Issued: 9.10.1976


Inside #250: Stamp on Envelope

#285 #C156 http://www.lbdphilately.com/images/C/CAR159.jpg

Scott: #285O, #C156O, #C159P

Issued: 0.3.1977

EMPIRE CENTRAFRICAIN Overprint on #250, #C129 & #C125



Scott: #295-6P, C184-6P

Issued: 11.4.1977

75th Anniversary of the Zeppelin

#c42 Inside #295: Italy #C42O

sos russia-ussr C13 1930 Inside #296: Russia #C12O

#C42 Inside #C184: Germany #C42O

#C44-1 Inside #C185: Germany #C44O

#C45-1 Inside #C186: Germany #C45O


Scott: #C187P

#C14 Inside #C187: US #C14O

Inside #C187 (In Background):
















Germany #C60P

Hungary #C25O

Greece #C7O

Germany #C56O

Germany #C58P






Finland #C1O

Liechtenstein #C8O

Egypt #176O

Paraguay #C92O



[Airmail, type CT]

Paraguay #C90O

Liechtenstein #C16O



Germany #C59P

US #C18O




Brazil #C26O

Brazil-Sanabria #C15O

http://spot.colorado.edu/~dziadeck/zf/images/banner/graf.gif ZEPPELIN




Scott: #C200-1O

Issued: 1.11.1978


#C3 Inside #C200: Central Africa #C3O

#1a Inside #C201: Mecklenburg-Schwerin #1aP


Scott: #366-9P, #C203-5P

Issued: 9.12.1978 / 27.12.1978

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

GB #1 a Inside #366: G.B. #1

#1 Inside #367: US #1O

#P4 Inside #368: Austria #P4O

#2L1 Inside #369: Switzerland-Geneva #2L1O

toscb7 Inside #C203: Tuscany #23O

#1 Inside #C204: France #1O



(Mi BL 39A, Y&T n°B28)

#1 Inside #C205: Central Africa #1O

#2 Inside #C205: Central Africa #2P

GB #1 te Inside #C205 (In margin): G.B. #1

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project http://www.arcieriminerva.it/SOS/homeSOS.htm


Mi 598P

1500f perf embossed in gold foil

bb-k (2)

Mi 598O

sos thailand 693  1973 (2) Inside #M598 (In margin): Thailand #693

sos thailand 532  1969 (2) Inside #M598 (In margin): Thailand #532P (Thailand)

sos barbados 332      1970 (2) Inside #M598 (In margin): Barbados #332O

sos barbados 338 1970 (2) Inside #M598 (In margin): Barbados #338O

(Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán and Lou Guadagno)


Mi 599P

1500f perf m/sheet embossed in gold foil

cent afr emp Mi Block 40

Mi Block 40

40 sos finland 1  1856

40 sos antigua 1  1862

40 sos u. s. 122  1869

40 sos hawaii 5  1868

Finland #1

Antigua #1

U.S. #122

Hawaii #5

cent afr emp Mi Block 41

Mi Block 41

41 sos u. s. 2  1847

41 sos switzerland-geneva 2L7

41 sos germany-oldenburg 3  1852

41 sos new caledonia 1  1860

U.S. #2

Switzerland-Geneva #2L7

Germany-Oldenburg #3

New Caledonia #1 

cent afr emp Mi Block 42

Mi Block 42

42 sos etherlands 1  1852

42 sos italy-tuscany 4  1851

42 sos australia-western australia 1  1854

42 sos mauritius 2 1847

Netherlands #1

 Italy-Tuscany #4

Western Australia #1

Mauritius #2 

cent afr emp Mi Block 43

Mi Block 43

43 sos romania-moldavia 7  1858

43 sos fernando po 1 1867

43 sos u. s. 121b error  1869

43 sos colombia-antioquia 20 1868

Romania-Moldavia #7 

Fernando Po #1 

U.S. #121b error 

Colombia-Antioquia #20

cent afr emp Mi Block 44

Mi Block 44

44 sos italy-two sicilies-naples 8  1860

44 sos france 33  1867

44 sos germany-wurttemberg 10  1857

44 sos switzerland-basel 3L1 1845

Italy-Two Sicilies - Naples #8

France #33

Germany-Wurttemberg #10

Switzerland-Basel #3L1

cent afr emp Mi Block 45

Mi Block 45

45 sos austria 31  1867

45 sos switzerland 17  1854

45 sos germany-saxony 1   1850

45 sos australia-tasmania-van dieman'sland   1855

Austria #31 

Switzerland #17

Germany-Saxony #1 


 Dieman's land #5


Scott: #385O

Issued: 8.6.1979


Inside #385: Pseudo Stamps


Scott: #398-401P

Issued: 20.12.1979

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

#68 Inside #398: US #68O

#7 Inside #399: France #7O

#59 Inside #400: Germany #59P

#32 Inside #401: G. B. #32P


Scott: #402P

#2 Inside #402: Central Africa #2O

GB #1 te Inside #??? (In Margin): G.B. #1 [S-G]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project http://www.arcieriminerva.it/SOS/homeSOS.htm

Laurence Hausman wrote: The Central African Republic Scott#400 SoS of 1979 appears to depict a 40pf value of German Offices in China (the Tientsin Issue) that Scott indicates is Ty. A11.  I see a listing for a 30pf and a 50pf (#21 and 22) but nothing for a 40pf value.  Can anyone shed light on same or is this simply a CAR mistake?  

Lou Guadagno wrote: Funny you should ask.  Last week, obviously having  time on my hands, I did one of my periodic searches over the last 40+ years for a scan of this reproduced stamp. Rammy's site and our old data base lists the German stamp that was overprinted per Bunny Kaplan's handbook, but the CAR SoS does show an actual stamp--and an illustration of one was obviously found by the designer in 1978. It is one of four values --25 pf, 40 pf, 2M, 3 M-- prepared for use in 1900 but not issued, The only catalog I found with a notation for it, is of course, the Michel Deutshland-Spezial Katalog, which lists the stamps with special Roman numerals I-IV, the 40pf being  #II, and in my 1991 volume it was valued  at 100,000 Marks. The only note of a 40 pf offering I could find was back in 2004 and no scan or sale price was available. 

I sent out a few new requests for a scan from various sources, so maybe i will get lucky this time.


Scott: #556O, #557P, #558O, #559O

Issued: 30.05.1981

African Artists

#409 Inside #557-8: Central Africa #409O

Scott wrong ID:

The government of the Republic would not reproduce a 1977 stamp (# 314) issued by the Empire that it had recently overthrown,

it reproduced a modified version of the same stamp overprinted by them in 1980.


In #314 the country inscription is white on black and not a black on silver panel overprint.

If you look at the reproduced SOS, you can see the tiny lettering reads REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE in two lines,


Thanks to Lou Guadagno

#C335 #C336#C337#C338

Scott: #C335-8P

Issued: 26.7.1988

1988 Summer Olympics

#C93 Inside #C335: Central Africa #C94O

%23C21 Inside #C336: Central Africa #C21O

%23C22 Inside #C337: Central Africa #C22O

#C23 Inside #C338: Central Africa #C23O


Scott: #C339P

#C94 Inside #C339: Central Africa #C93O


Scott: #972P

Issued: 27.7.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

GB #1 te Inside #972: G.B. #1 [Q-A]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project http://www.arcieriminerva.it/SOS/homeSOS.htm

central afr rep unlisted ss email (2)

Unlisted SS

central african rep unlisted sheetlet (2) 

Unlisted sheetlet


central afr rep  unlisted sheetlet--perf'ed canceled on piece central afr rep  unlisted sheetlet-- imperf canceled on piece

Unlisted sheetlets - perf'ed and imperf canceled on piece

Lou Wrote: So far, two members do not have CAR #972 in their collections, and I suspect they also do not have the non-Scott listed s/s and sheetlets.

Back in 1990, my then-new issue dealer sent me both the stamp and s/s at the same price for each, so I was surprised when the s/s was not listed by Scott's.  I have seen both offered together from time to time on the internet, so I would advise members who need one or both to just keep an eye out.

Later that year, a dealer at a NY stamp show offered me a sheetlet of six perforated stamps (as Sc # 970-975) in a vertical format and advised there was an imperforate sheetlet issued, both in limited numbers.  I didn't like his price of $35.00, and he wouldn't negotiate, so I passed, thinking I would find them cheaper.  I never saw one again, and have never been able to find scans of them.

I also became aware of another set of perf'ed and imperf sheetlets in a different format; these had eight stamps (as Sc # 970-975 plus C348-49) in two rows of four and not in Scott's order. I was able to find a scan of the perf'ed sheetlet, but have never seen an offer for them mint. I did find and bought the two sheetlets on piece with tied first day cancels, thinking if I could find these surely rarer items, then the mint ones would come my way to complete my album pages.  I'm still waiting.

I have no access to Michel catalogues, but I'm sure the s/s is listed, and perhaps the sheetlets are too.  On my bucket list of things to do, is another trip to the APS library and going thru their treasure trove of foreign catalogues to give numbers to some of the 'unlisted" stamps in my SoS data base. I spent two days there recently, and never even completed going thru the Michel postal stationery cataloges. Even if you do not go to do research, it is a fantastic place to visit, with a friendly and helpful staff, and many stamps and postal/philatelic items on display.



Scott: #1365a-cO

Issued: 28.9.2000

The Twentieth Century, 1930-1940

#379 Inside #1365c: Germany #379P

#C35 Inside #1365c: Germany #C35O





Scott: #1479-90O

Issued: 10.04.2005

50th Anniversary of Europa Stamps

Inside #1479:




Netherlands #387P

Liechtenstein #368P

Italy #916P

Inside #1480:




 Italy #810P

Italy #979P

Spain #941P

Inside #1481:




San Marino #1065O

Color change

Finland #419P

Germany #996P


Inside #1482:




Greece #718P

Spain #941P

Italy #810O


Inside #1483:




Italy #1039O

Italy #810O

Netherlands #387P

Inside #1484:




Italy #916O

Italy #979P

Belgium #840P

Inside #1485:




Liechtenstein #368P

San Marino #1065O

Color change

Germany #996P

Inside #1486:




Germany #996P

Finland #419P

San Marino #1065O

Color change

Inside #1487:




Spain #941P

Greece #718O

Liechtenstein #368P

Inside #1488:




Finland #419P

Netherlands #387P

Italy #979P

Inside #1489:




Italy #979P

Belgium #840O

Italy #810O

Inside #1490:




Belgium #840O

Netherlands #387P

Finland #419P


%231490a %231490b


%231490c %231490d



Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #1547P

Issued: 20.12.2011

WWF Endangered Species

 Inside #1547a: Botswana #915O

 Inside #1547a (In background): Romania #4887O (partly)

 Inside #1547b: Niue #730O

 Inside #1547b (in background): Mauritania #383O (partly)

 Inside #1547c: Sierra Leone #588O

 Inside #1547c (in background): Laos #????O (unlisted 2008) (partly)

 Inside #1547d: Br. Antarctic Terr. #192O

 Inside #1547d (in background): Br. Antarctic Terr. #195O (partly)

 Inside #1547 (in margin): Burundi #599aO

 Inside #1547 (in margin): Libya #1325O

 Inside #1547 (in margin): Libya #1328O

Scott: #1573P

 Inside #1573: Slovenia #247cO

 Inside #1573 (in background): Serbia #???O (2011)

  Inside #1573 (in margin - top left): Serbia #381aO

 Inside #1573 (In margin - bottom center, behind tree): Anguilla #968bO

(partial upper right corner, lower left corner)

1573 margin--sos anguilla 968c-- partial left margin--on end Inside #1573 (In margin - behind panda head): Anguilla #968cO

Thanks to Plinio Richelmi

Thanks to Lou Guadagno for Ids and stamp scans



Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 20.08.2012

Rossica 2013

 Inside #????a-b: Russia (USSR) #C50O

 Inside #????c-d: Russia (USSR) #C52O

 Inside #????e: Russia (USSR) #C51O

Scott: #????O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #????-?P

Issued: ??.??.2013

WWF Faun, Stamps on Stamps

 Inside #????: Croatia #848cO

 Inside #????: Falkland Is. #535O

 Inside #????: Falkland Is. #1031O

 Inside #????: Aruba #104O

 Inside #????: U.S. unofficial art project essaO

 Inside #???? (In Margin): Swaziland #519O

 Inside #???? (In Margin): British Indians Ocean Ter. #132O

 Inside #???? (In Margin): Liberia #1011O

 Inside #???? (In Margin): Vanuatu #471O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno and Prof. Plinio Richelmi


Scott: #????-?P

Issued: ??.??.2013

130th Anniversary to the first stamp of Thailand

sos thailand-siam 1 1883 Inside #????: Thailand #1O

sos thailand-siam 243 1941Inside #????: Thailand #243O

sos thailand B54 1979 Inside #????: Thailand #B54O

sos thailand 2363  2008 Inside #????: Thailand #2363O

sos thailand 1715 1997 Inside #????: Thailand #1715O

sos thailand 2510  2010 Inside #????: Thailand #2510O

sos thailand 2629  2011 Inside #????: Thailand #2629O

sos thailand 1803 1998 Inside #????: Thailand #1803O

in margin-- sos thailand 2713  2012 Inside #???? (In margin): Thailand #2713O

sos thailand-siam 4 1883 Inside #????: Thailand #4O

sos thailand-siam 3 1883 Inside #????: Thailand #3O

sos thailand-siam 1 1883 Inside #????: Thailand #1O

sos thailand 1770 1997 Inside #???? (In margin): Thailand #1770O

sos thailand 2672  2012Inside #???? (In margin): Thailand #2672O

sos thailand 1483 1992 Inside #???? (In margin): Thailand #1483O

sos thailand B78b 1994 Inside #???? (In margin): Thailand #B78bO

Thanks to Prof. Plinio Richelmi and Lou Guadagno


Scott: #????-?P

Issued: 02.05.2015

175th Anniversary of The Penny Black

sos gt britain 1 M-H  1840 Inside #????-?: G.B. #1 [M-H]

sos gt britain 2  1840 Inside #????: G.B. #2O

sos gt britain 3  1841 Inside #????: G.B. #3O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno and Prof. Plinio Richelmi

central afr rep    ss 4v 10 21 15 central afr rep    ss 1v 10 21 15

Scott: #????P, ????P

Issued: 21.10.2015

Stamps on Stamps

c a r  ss 4v-- sos yugoslavia 729  1964  Inside #????: Yugoslavia #729O

c a r  ss 4v-- sos russia 6181  1993  Inside #????: Russia #6181P (Guinea)

c a r  ss 4v-- sos australia 997  1986  Inside #????: Australia #997P

c a r  ss 4v--  sos china-taiwan 1375  1963 Inside #????: China-Taiwan #1375O

c a r  ss 4v-in margin sos u s a  2700  1992 Inside #???? (In Margin): U.S. #2700P

c a r  ss 4v-in margin sos german dem rep 2610  1987 Inside #???? (In Margin): German Dem. Rep. #2610O

c a r  ss 1v in margin sos u s a  C125  1989 Inside #???? (In Margin): U.S. #C125P

c a r  ss 4v in margin sos vanuatu 319  1982 (3) Inside #???? (In Margin): Vanuatu #319O

c a r  ss 4v-in margin sos haiti 612 1969 Inside #???? (In Margin): Haiti #612O

c a r  ss 4v-in margin sos romania 1233  1958 Inside #???? (In Margin): Romania #1233P

c a r  ss 4v-in margin sos u s a  551 1925 Inside #???? (In Margin): U.S. #551P

central afr rep    ss 4v inmargin tbi

Scan not available Inside #???? (In Margin): TBI

c a r  ss 1v--sos hungary 1844  1967 Inside #????: Hungary #1844P

c a r  ss 1v in margin sos monaco 536  1963 Inside #???? (In Margin): Monaco #536O

c a r  ss 1v in margin brazil 2799a from ss  2001 Inside #???? (In Margin): Brazil #2799aO

c a r  ss 1v in margin gt britain 786  1976 Inside #???? (In Margin): G.B. #786P

c a r  ss 1v in margin--sos mongolia 564  1970 Inside #???? (In Margin): Mongolia #564O

c a r  ss 1v in margin basutoland 4  1933 Inside #???? (In Margin): Basutoland #4O

c a r  ss 1v--sos russia-ussr 4734  1979 Inside #???? (In Margin): Russia-USSR #4734P

c a r  ss 1v in margin australia 2187  2003 Inside #???? (In Margin): Australia #2187O

c a r  ss 1v in margin sos germany B1007c-from ss   2008 Inside #???? (In Margin): Germany #B1007cO

c a r  ss 1v in margin czechoslovakia 883  1958 Inside #???? (In Margin): Czechoslovakia #883P

sos samoa 662  1986 Inside #???? (In Margin): Samoa #662O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

centr afr rep     ss 4 v 5

Scott: #????O

Issued: 16.05.2016

500th Anniversary of the Royal Mail

sos czechoslovakia 2076  1976 Inside #????: Czechoslovakia #2072P

sos canada 158  1929 Inside #????: Canada #158P (Canada)

centr afr rep     ss 1 v 5

Scott: #????O

sos gt britain 33a  1864 Inside #???? (In Margin): G.B. #33aO

sos gt britain 1  1840 [L-E] Inside #???? (In Margin): G.B. #1

sos u Inside #???? (In Margin): U.S. #C3O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: ??.??.2016

150th Anniversary, Sun Yat-Sen

  Inside #????: China #461a, error inverted center 1941

 Inside #????: China #274a, error inverted surcharge 1925

 Inside #????: China #247a, error inverted surcharge 1922

 Inside #????: China-Sinkiang #16a, error second, third characters in overprint transposed 1915

 Inside #????: China #237a error, center inverted 1915

Thanks to Lou Guadagno and Plinio Richelmi

central afr rep       ss 5 22 18

Scott: #????O

Issued: 22.05.2018

120th Anniversary, Death of Ivan Shishkin, Russian Painter


תוצ×ת ת×ונה עבור ‪Russian stamps 2007 Ivan Shishkin‬†Inside #???? (In Margin): Russia #7013P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

central afr rep      ss 4v 5 22 18 (2)

Scott: #????O

Issued: 22.05.2018

Stamps on stamps

car ss 4-1--sos malta 114  1926 Inside #????a: Malta #114O!

car ss 4-1 background--sos u  s  1076  1956 Inside #????a: U.S. #1076P

car ss 4v--sos u s a  1530  1974 Inside #????a: U.S. #1530P

Scan not available Inside #????a: TBI

Scan not available Inside #????a: TBI

car ss 4-2--sos u  s  1729  1977 Inside #????b: U.S. #1729P

car ss 4-2--sos italy-roman states 12   1867 Inside #????b: Italy Roman States #12P

car ss 4-2-- sos germany 2461  2007 Inside #????b: Germany #2416O

car ss 4-2--sos australia 307  1957 Inside #????b: Australia #307P

car ss 4-3-- sos lithuania 88 1920  Grand-Duke-Gediminas Inside #????c: Lithuania #88O

car ss 4-3-- sos saar 200  1948 Inside #????c: Saar #200P

sos germany B36 1930 Inside #????c: Germany #B36O

car ss 4-4--sos germany 812  1960 Inside #????d: Germany #812P

car ss 4-4--sos germany B740  1992 Inside #????d: Germany #B740P

car ss 4-4--sos italy-two sicilies-naples prov isional govt  9  1860 Inside #????d: Italy - Two Sicilies-Naples prov. isional govt #9O

car ss 4-4-- sos germany B720 1991 Inside #????d: Germany #B720P

car ss 44--sos germany 1380  1982 Inside #????d: Germany #1380P

car ss 4-4--sos u  s  1276  1965 Inside #????d: US #1276P

central afr rep      ss 1 v

Scott: #????O

car ss 1 v-- sos saar 251 1954 Inside #????: Saar #251O

car ss 1v back-- sos saar 200  1948 Inside #????: Saar #200P

Scan not available Inside #???? (In Margin): TBI

car ss 1 v-left margin-- sos latvia      2003 Inside #???? (In Margin): Latvia #567O

car ss 1 v-left margin-- smom      1993 Inside #???? (In Margin): Smom (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) #903O

central afr rep      ss 1 v-left margin-- sos germany B722   1991 Inside #???? (In Margin): Germany #B722P

car ss 1 v-left margin-- sos germany      1989 Inside #???? (In Margin): Germany #1989P

car ss 1 v-left margin-- sos lithuania 277B  1932 Inside #???? (In Margin): Lithuania #277BO

car ss 1 v-right margin-- sos hungary 1985  1969 Inside #???? (In Margin): Hungary #1985P

car ss 1 v-right margin-- sos russia 6205  1994 Inside #???? (In Margin): Russia #6205O

car ss 1 v-right margin-- sos hungary 1942  1968 Inside #???? (In Margin): Hungary #1942P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: ??.??.2018

Billy Karam

Inside #????: Stamps collecting

Thanks to Plinio Richelmi


Scott: #????O

Issued: 21.03.2019

60th Anniversary of the Release of Luna 1

sos cambodia-kampuchea 481 1984 Inside #????: Cambodia #481P

Scott: #????O

cambodia-kampuchea 480  1984

sos cambodia-kampuchea 481 1984

Cambodia #480

Cambodia #481

Lou Wrote: The designer of the 60th Anniversary of the Luna I Flight commemorative sheets erred in using #481 which shows the Luna 2 probe that impacted the moon in 1959, instead of #480 which shows the Luna I probe passing the moon in 1958. The 60th anniversary year of Luna I would be 2018, and 2019 for Luna 2 so maybe the wrong flight was honored, Stamperija is not known for its accuracy.

Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán and Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: ??.??.2019

Stamps on stamps

 Inside #????a: El Salvador (1988)O

[Walia Ibex, type ARW] Inside #????b: Ethiopia (1990)O

[World Wildlife Fund - Mandrill, type BDQ] Inside #????c: Equatorial Guinea #160O (1991)

[Galapagos Islands Animals, type CDB] Inside #????d: Ecuador (1992)O

[World Wildlife Foundation, type DC] Inside #????e: Estonia (1994)O

[Endangered Animals - Gemsbok, type BC] Inside #????f: Eritrea (1996)O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno and Plinio Richelmi

[The 180th Anniversary of Penny Black, type ]

Scott: #????P

Issued: 21.3.2020

The 180th Anniversary of Penny Black

sos gt britain 1  1840 [L-E] Inside #????: G.B. #1

[The 180th Anniversary of Penny Black, type ]

Scott: #????O

centr afr rep      ss 7.24.20

Scott: #????O

Issued: 24.7.2020

60th Anniversary of Dogs in Space Flight

sos russia-ussr 2384   1960 Inside #????: Russia-USSR #2384P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno and Plinio Richelmi


Zoltán Komlóssy wrote: Today I looked at this issue and noticed that, contrary to the previous indication, the right and left edges of the stamps were not serrated, so it turned out to be two different "SOS"!

Scott: #????O

Issued: 27.04.2020

Penny Black Covid-19

 Inside #????: G.B. #1

Thanks to Plinio Richelmi

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: ??.??.2020

Stamps on Stamps WWF

 Inside #????: TBI

Thanks to Plinio Richelmi

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: ??.??.2020

Stamps on Stamps WWF

 Inside #????: TBI

Thanks to Plinio Richelmi

c.a.r.    ss

Scott: #????O

Issued: 2022?

Marilyn Monroe

u. s. 2  1847 u. s. C2  1918

Inside #????: U.S. #2 and U.S. #C2

Lou wrote: Incredible!! With all the multitude of stamps produced by Stamperija for the Central African Republic, some stamp faker decided to make fraudulent issues from there too.  Perhaps because Stamperija is currently featuring Marilyn Monroe on souvenir sheets from several countries including CAR, the faker may have thought he could get some unsuspecting topical collector to buy his tag-alongs too. So far, one dealer on Delcampe, from Lithuania (the home of Stamperija) is offering two MM sheets, one of which has SoS in the margin. What MM has to do with SoS is not apparent, and the reproduced stamps are weird - a  U.S. #2 in a changed color and a U. S. #C2 with the Jenny design replaced with a sketch of an unknown biplane, also in a changed color. To add more insult to insult, the two s/s are being offered for $17.10 +7.08 s/h!  See attached.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

car        ss 6v car        ss 1v 8.31.22

Scott: #????-?O

Issued: 31.08.2022

Stamps on Stamps WWF

sos cuba 3333  1991 Inside #????: Cuba #3333O

sos cuba 1915  1974 Inside #????: Cuba #1915O

sos monaco 763  1970 Inside #????: Monaco #763O

sos german dem rep 1636  1975 Inside #????: DDR #1636O

Type Q Inside #????: Kenya #17P

sos mauritania 123  1961 Inside #????: Mauritania #123O

sos tanzania 1698r---from sheetlet  1999 Inside #????: Tanzania #1698r (from sheetlet)O

sos tanzania 385  1988 Inside #????: Tanzania #385O

sos panama 611  1991 Inside #????: Panama #611O

sos china pr 27631997 Inside #????: China PR #2763O

sos china pr  2764 1997  Inside #????: China PR #2764O

[Christmas - Scarlet Macaw, type ADC] Inside #????: Belize #1171O

sos india 207 1949 Inside #????: India #207O

sos russia-ussr 59361990 Inside #????: Russia #5936P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno, Zoltán Komlóssy and Plinio Richelmi

cent afr rep      ss 9.15.22

Scott: #????O

Issued: 15.09.2022

Homage to QE II

sos gt britain 316  1953 Inside #????: G.B. #316P (Paraguay)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

(ST #CA220826a)

Issued: 20.12.2022

Postal Transportation

 Inside #????: U.S. #548O

 Inside #????: U.S. #1897AP

#c3a Inside #????: US #C3aO

GB #1 a Inside #????: G.B. #1

Scott: #????O

(ST #CA220826b)

 Inside #????: U.S. #392P

 Inside #???? (In margin): U.S. #2136P

 Inside #???? (In margin): U.S. #136P

 Inside #???? (In margin): U.S. #246O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

ST #CA230236aO

ST #CA230236bO

Issued: 10.02.2023

160th Birthday of Pierre De Coubertin, the creator of the modern Olympic Games

 Inside #CA230236a: U.S. #719O

 Inside #CA230236a: France #817O

 Inside #CA230236a: Armenia #1262O

 Inside #CA230236a: US #1794P

 Inside #CA230236a: Greece #1968O

 Inside #CA230236a: Canada #682P

 Inside #CA230236b: Australia #3728P

 Inside #CA230236b: Australia #3727O

 Inside #CA230236b (In margin): USA #2613O

 Inside #CA230236b (In margin): Canada #682P

 Inside #CA230236b (In margin): Australia #3730O

Many other stamps in margin

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

ST #CA230330bO

Issued: 20.06.2023

The 60th Anniversary of the Death of J F Kennedy

 Inside #CA230330b (In margin): U.S. #1287P

 Inside #CA230330b (In margin): Germany #901P

 Inside #CA230330b (In margin): Congo Democratic Rep. #518O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

ST #CA230408aO

Issued: 05.07.2023

Postal Transport

 Inside #CA230408a: Mozambique #2825cO

 Inside #CA230408a: Mauritania #388O 

sos solomon ss 4v-- bulgaria 3399  1989  Inside #CA230408a: Bulgaria #3399P

 Inside #CA230408a (In margin): Bahamas #645O

 Inside #CA230408a (In margin): Chad #549O

 Inside #CA230408a (In margin): Bulgaria #3009P

ST #CA230408bO

 Inside #CA230408b: Uganda #373O

 Inside #CA230408b (In margin): Czechoslovakia #2749P

 Inside #CA230408b (In margin): Swaziland #804a-cO

 Inside #CA230408b (In margin): Hungary #2799P

 Germany WWF panda postmark 2011

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

ST #CA230427aO

ST #CA230427bO

Issued: 05.07.2023

Postal Transport

 Inside #CA230427a-b (In margin): U.S. #405P (Grenada)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Best website related:





Wish List


Central Africa #1 + Micronesia


Central Africa #C3O


Scott: #C10O


Central Africa #C21O


Central Africa #C22O


Central Africa #C23O


Central Africa #C24 for Guinea


Scott: #C46O

sos central african rep 174  1972

Central Africa Rep. #174 for Congo

Scott: #C82O


Central Africa #C93O


Central Africa #C94O


Scott: #C125O


Scott: #C129O


Scott: #249-50O


Scott: #285O


Scott: #C156O


Scott: #C200-1O

bb-k (2)

Mi 598


Mi 599

ss4v a-- sos central afr empire 324 1978

Central African Empire #324 for Uganda


Scott: #385O


Scott: #402O


Central Africa #409O


Scott: #556, #558O, #559O


Central Africa Rep. #579 for Guinea

Central Africa Rep Michel #6262 (from SS) for Chad


Scott: #1365a-cO





Scott: #1479-90O



Scott: #????-?O

Scott: #????O


Scott: #????-?

car        ss 6v car        ss 1v 8.31.22

Scott: #????-? 2022


cent afr rep      ss 9.15.22

Scott: #???? 2022

Scott: #???? 2022

Scott: #???? 2022

ST #CA230236aO

ST #CA230236bO

ST #CA230330bO

ST #CA230408aO

ST #CA230408bO

ST #CA230427aO

ST #CA230427bO




Ubangi-Shari #J16O