Tanzania stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania is a country on the east coast of east Africa. It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda on the north, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the west, and Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique on the south. To the east, it borders the Indian Ocean. The country is named after Lake Tanganyika, which forms its western border.

Tanzania reached independence in 1961 under the name Tanganyika. In 1964, Tanganyika united with the island of Zanzibar, forming the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, later renamed to the United Republic of Tanzania.


The story of the postage stamps and postal history of Tanzania begins with German East Africa, which was occupied by British forces during World War I. After the war, the territory was named Tanganyika and issued stamps under that name until after a union with Zanzibar in 1964.

The first issue of Tanzania proper was a set of four commemorative stamps marking the union, issued 7 July 1964 (Inscribed "UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANGANYIKA & ZANZIBAR").

The stamps of Tanzania were also valid in Kenya and Uganda (until 1976).


See: Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika stamps


Scott: #141-4P

Issued: 21.4.1980

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

#49 Inside #141: Zanzibar #49O

#309 Inside #141: Zanzibar #309O

(Thanks to Lou for the scan)

#58 Inside #142: Tanganyika #58O

(Thanks to Lou for the scan)

#16 Inside #143: Tanganyika #16O

(Thanks to Lou for the scan)

#52 Inside #143: Tanganyika #52O

(Thanks to Lou for the scan)

#1 TE Inside #144: G.B. #1 [N-C]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project http://www.arcieriminerva.it/SOS/homeSOS.htm


Scott: #144aP

(Thanks to Lou for the scan)


Scott: #145-8O

Issued: 6.5.1980

London '80, Overprint #141-4

Scott: #148aO

London '80, Overprint #144a

(Thanks to Zhang for the scan)


Scott: #181-4O

Issued: 23.10.1981

Commonwealth Postal Administrations Conference

Inside #182: Stamps on Envelopes

Scott: #184aO


Scott: #221-4P

Issued: 3.2.1983

5th Anniversary, Posts and Telecommunications Departments

 Inside #221: Tanzania #210O

(Thanks to Zhang for the scan)


Scott: #224aP

[The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VC][The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VD][The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VE][The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VF]

Scott: #540-3O

Issued: 17.1.1990

10th Anniversary, Pan African Postal Union

Inside #541: Stamps on envelope

Scott: #668-76O

(Thanks to Zhang for the scans)

Issued: 2.12.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

#16 Inside #668: German East Africa #16O

#40 Inside #669: Germany #40P(Palau)

#1 Inside #670: Zanzibar #1O

#22 Inside #671: Tanganyika #22O

[Revolution, type EE] Inside #672: Zanzibar #316O

Independence day 12v Inside #673: Tanganyika #52O

Thanks to Jan Van Lin for the scan

Scott: #677O

Thanks to Prof. Plinio Richelmifor the scan

#44 Inside #677: Thurn & Taxis #44O

Scott: #678P

Thanks to Prof. Plinio Richelmifor the scan

#1 LJ Inside #678: G.B. #1


Scott: #851O

Issued: 1.8.1992

Anniversary of Birth of Charles de Gaulle

#439 Inside #851: France #439P

 Inside #851: Unlisted Free French ProvisionalO

Scott: #928-33O

(Thanks to Zhang for the scans)

Issued: 30.11.1992

40th Anniversary QE II, Overprint #668-73


Scott: #934O

40th Anniversary QE II, Overprint #678 in Red

[International Stamp Exhibition "HONG KONG '94" - Hong Kong, China, type ] 

Scott: #1107-8O

Issued: 18.2.1994

Hong Kong '94

 Inside #1107: Hong Kong #372O (no inscriptions)

(Thanks to Zhang for the scan)

#532 Inside #1108: Tanzania #532O (no inscriptions)

Scott: #1108aO

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert for the scan

Scott: #1338-9O, #1340-3O

Issued: 18.2.1994

Singapore '95

Inside #1338-9, 1340-3: Pseudo Stamp in logo

Scott: #1724-7O

Issued: 9.10.1998

World Stamp Day


Inside #1725-6: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #1728O


Scott: #2391O

Issued: 12.01.2005

Albert Einstein

#117a Inside #2391: Israel #117P

Thanks to Attilio Papio

Scott: #????P

Issued: 09.12.2012

50th Anniversary of Independence - Presidents

Inside #???? (In margin):


Tanganyika #57O

Tanzania #4O

Tanzania #1O

Tanganyika #48P

Tanganyika #45P

Tanzania #10P

Tanzania #2O

Tanganyika #47O

Tanganyika #49P

Tanganyika #50O

Tanganyika #55O






Tanganyika #238P

Tanganyika #53P


Kenya-Uganda-Tanganyika #240O

Kenya-Uganda-Tanganyika #239P

Tanganyika #54O

Tanganyika #59O

Tanganyika #56O

Tanganyika #58O

Tanganyika #60O

Kenya-Uganda-Tanganyika #241O

Tanzania #3O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Best website related:



Wish List

Tanzania #1

Tanzania #2

Tanzania #3

Tanzania #4

sos tanzania 82  1977

Tanzania #82 for Chad, Niger


Scott: #145-8 (with London overprint)

Scott: #148a (with London overprint)


Scott: #181-4O

Scott: #184a

Tanzania #210O

Tanzania #368 (from s/s) for Guinea Bissau

sos tanzania 385  1988

Tanzania #385 for Central African


Tanzania #532

[The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VC][The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VD][The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VE][The 10th Anniversary of Pan-African Postal Union, type VF]

Scott: #540-3O

Scott: #677O


Scott: #851O

Scott: #928-33


Scott: #934O

3482 margin-sos tanzania 981  1992

Tanzania #981 for St. Thomas & Prince

[International Stamp Exhibition "HONG KONG '94" - Hong Kong, China, type ] 

Scott: #1107-8

ss4v c--sos tanzania 1128 1993

Tanzania #1128 for Uganda

3465d-sos tanzania 1293  1994 (2)

Tanzania #1293 for St. Thomas & Prince

sos tanzania 1698r---from sheetlet  1999

Tanzania #1698r (from sheetlet) for Central African

Scott: #1724-7O


Scott: #1728O


Scott: #2391O






Tanganyika #16 for Tanzania


Tanganyika #22 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #47 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #50 for Tanzania


Tanganyika #52 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #54 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #55 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #56 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #57 for Tanzania


Tanganyika #58 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #59 for Tanzania

Tanganyika #60 for Tanzania


Kenya-Uganda-Tanganyika #240 for Tanzania

Kenya-Uganda-Tanganyika #241 for Tanzania