South Africa stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of South Africa


Scott: #21-2O

Issued: 1.1.1926


SA2 Inside #21-2: Cape of Good Hope #2O (B)



Scott: #98a-bO, #99a-bO

Issued: 0.0.1943

Redrawn Coil Stamp-English and Afrikaans

Inside #98-9: South Africa Type A5P & A6P(B)


Scott: #193-4P

Issued: 1.9.1953

Centenary of Postage Stamps in South Africa

#1 Inside #193: Cape of Good Hope #1O

#2 Inside #194: Cape of Good Hope #2O

Scott: #358P

Issued: 6.10.1969

Centenary, South African Stamps

 Inside #358: Transvaal #3O

Thanks to Lou for the scans


Scott: #407P

Issued: 9.10.1974

Centenary, UPU

CGH M49 Inside #407: Cape of Good Hope #28 or #53O

NAT M55 Inside #407: Natal #78O

+OVS M1 Inside #407: Orange Free State (Orange River Colony) #4O

TRV M32 Inside #407: Transvaal #145O

Thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for the scans

Scott: #448P

Issued: 11.9.1975

Postal Automation

Inside #448: Stamps on Envelopes

OLFU 1976P

Issued: 11.10.1976

#1 Inside: South Africa #1O


Pseudo Stamp on postcard - 20 Anniversary of the Society of Israel Philately JHB

CAASPIP – Souvenir Covers

Issued: 31.5.1978


Scott: #516PP

Issued: 30.3.1979

50th Anniversary, First Government Printed Stamp

 Inside #516: South Africa #C5O


Issued: 07.10.1980

[Airmail - Airplanes, type C][Airmail - Airplanes, type C1][Airmail - Airplanes, type C2][Airmail - Airplanes, type C3]

 Inside: South Africa #C1-4O

Non-Postal S/s for Aupex ‘84 Nat’l. Phil. Exhib.

Showing a South African Gold Mining stamp – TBI

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert


Scott: #788a-eP

Issued: 12.5.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

#1 LJ Inside #788a: G.B. #1 [H-F]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project

#2 Inside #788b: Cape of Good Hope #2O

NAT M4 Inside #788c: Natal #4O

(thanks to Komlóssy Zoltán for the scan)

#10 Inside #788d: Orange River Colony #10O

 Inside #788e: Transvaal #3O

Thanks to Lou for the scan

Scan from SOSIG - Stamps On Stamps Italian Group


Scott: #892-5P

Issued: 30.9.1994

Stamp Day

Inside #892-5: Stamp on Envelope

[International Stamp Exhibition "SINGAPORE '95" - Singapore, type ]

Scott: #915P

Issued: 1.9.1995

International Stamp Exhibition "SINGAPORE '95"

Inside #915: Pseudo Stamp in logo

[International Stamp Exhibition "HONG KONG '97", type ]

Scott: #957P

Issued: 12.2.1995

International Stamp Exhibition "HONG KONG '97"

Inside #957: Pseudo Stamp in logo

Scott: #940DP

Issued: 18.5.1996

The 9th Asian International Stamp Exhibition "CHINA '96"

Inside #940D (In margin): Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #990aO

Issued: 11.7.1997

In Aid of Junior Philately - JUNASS '97

Inside #990a: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #1009O

Issued: 9.10.1997

World Post Day

Inside #1009: Stamp on Envelope

Christmas Seals

Scott: #1090O

Issued: 20.10.1998

ILSAPEX '98 International Stamp Exhibition, Johannesburg

Inside #1090: Unissued stamps created for 1927 definitive series in color of red/green and green/black

Thanks to Martin Hirschbühl


Scott: #1155O

Issued: 22.5.2000

Stamp Show 2000 Exhibition

#1 LJ Inside #1155 (In margin of sheet - in show logo): G.B #1

Scott: #1327O

Issued: 23.10.2003

150 years Anniversary, Cape Triangle Stamp Anniversary

#2 Inside #1327: Cape of Good Hope #2O

so afr 1343 ss

Scott: #1343O

Issued: 09.10.2004

75th Anniversary, Regular Air mail Service

 Inside #1327: South Africa #C2O

Design component: negative image of biplane (motif only)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno



Scott: #1367O

Issued: 9.10.2006

World Post Day

Inside #1367: Pseudo Stamps

The South African Post Office issued a set of five stamps to commemorate World Post Day on 9 October 2006. A special canceller and a commemorative envelope will also be issued.

Artist Hein Botha was asked to design funky cartoon characters that would convey the message that stamps are much fun. These characters convey a different message on each stamp:

Collect stamps - start an adventure: it is possible to collect stamps about almost any theme one can think of. In pursuit of a specific stamp, one meets many interesting people, acquires new information and discovers new sources of information. A very original collection with a fresh approach to its theme could even lead to overseas trips if it becomes a winner at the National Stamp Exhibition.

Be cool - collect stamps: be the talk of the neighbourhood with your original scrapbook made up of various interesting stamps about any theme you are interested in! You can enhance your memories of a special holiday, for instance, by adding stamps related to the places that were visited.

Learn more - collect stamps: by collecting stamps about a specific topic or theme, a person can find a lot of unexpected facts about themes as diverse as action sports, classic cars to movie stars, nature and history. What about starting a penpal club with people in other countries or even implement a sister school (similar to the sister city) project?
Have Fun - collect stamps: when you start collecting stamps about a theme that you are very interested in, it becomes a lot of fun to surf the net to see what stamps are available from various countries. Meeting with friends to compare each other’s collections, listening to music and talking about mutual interests is another way of enjoying one’s social life. Ever thought about designing fashion items from stamps? How about using them for interior design or even paint by stamps?

Travel the world - collect stamps: who is a real traveller? Is it the person who packs his bags to go overseas or is it the curious person who reads and learns as much as possible about interesting countries and places? By collecting stamps one can learn fascinating things about other countries, for instance that stamps that come from Helvetia are from Switzerland, stamps from Hellas are from Greece, and stamps from Magyar are from Hungary, etc. How about asking foreign tourism offices to send you brochures from their countries? Or asking a foreign philatelic club to share some of their stamps with you?

World Post Day is celebrated worldwide each year on 9 October to commemorate the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in Bern in1874. It was declared World Post Day by the UPU Congress held in Tokyo, Japan in 1969. Since its inception countries across the world participate annually in the celebrations. The theme for this year’s World Post Day is ‘Reaching everyone everywhere’.




Scott: #1397-8P

Issued: 9.10.2009

Joburg 2010 International Stamp Exhibition

#1 Inside #1397: South Africa #1O

Inside #1398: Pseudo Stamp

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #1417P

Issued: 9.10.2010

Celebrating Print Techniques of South African Stamps

#1 Inside #1417: South Africa #1O

#29b 1927 Inside #1417: South Africa #29b (Afrikaans)P

#C5 1929 Inside #1417: South Africa #C5O

#1385f 2009 Inside #1417: South Africa #1385f (from s/s)O

#284 1963 Inside #1417: South Africa #284P

#362 1970 Inside #1417: South Africa #362P

#402 1974 Inside #1417: South Africa #402P

#1355 2005 Inside #1417: South Africa #1355O

#C87g  2008 Inside #1417: South Africa #C87g (self adh-from s/s)O

#C89j 2009 Inside #1417: South Africa #C89i (from s/s)O

#438 1974 Inside #1417: South Africa #438P

#980 1997 Inside #1417: South Africa #980 (from s/s)O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 27.10.2010

Joburg 2010 International Stamp Exhibition

Reissued #1397-8 in a sheetlet of 5 stamps and 5 labels

For sale at the opening of the Show.

This is the first personalized stamp of South Africa as the label shown could be replaced.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Best website related:


Wish List


South Africa #1


Scott: #21-2O


Scott: #98a-bO, #99a-bO

South Africa #C2

South Africa #C5

#980 1997

South Africa #980 (from s/s)


Scott: #990aO


Scott: #1009O


Scott: #1155O


South Africa #1227 for Mali


South Africa #1314c for Guinea

Scott: #1327O

so afr 1343 ss

Scott: #1343O

#C87g  2008

South Africa #C87g (self adh-from s/s)

#C89j 2009

South Africa #C89i (from s/s)

#1355 2005

South Africa #1355



Scott: #1367O

#1385f 2009

South Africa #1385f (from s/s)



Cape of good hope

Cape of Good Hope #1 for ST. VINCENT GRENADINES – Mayreau


Cape of Good Hope #2 for South Africa, South-West Africa


Cape of Good Hope #27 for Lesotho


Cape of Good Hope #28 or #53 for South Africa


Cape of Good Hope #178 for Bophuthatswana, St. Thomas & Prince, Tonga-Niuafo'ou


Cape of Good Hope #179 for Bophuthatswana, Monaco, Tonga, St. Thomas & Prince, St. Vincent




Natal #4 for South Africa


Natal #78 for South Africa


Orange River Colony


Orange River Colony #4 for South Africa


Orange River Colony #10 for South Africa



Transvaal #3 for South Africa


Transvaal #145 for South Africa





