Falkland Islands stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

The Falkland Islands were first discovered on 1592 and were first settled in 1764. The islands were variously held in turn by France, Britain, Spain and Argentina until 1832 when the British again took possession and commenced to establish the first permanent settlements. 

The first postmaster was appointed in 1861 and the first stamps were issued in 1878.

See: Falkland Island Dependencies

See: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands stamps



Scott: #105O (CD308)

Issued: 10.10.1949

UPU Issue

Inside #105: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #278-81P

Issued: 8.8.1978

Centenary, Falkland Islands Stamps



Inside #278: Falkland Islands #1O

Inside #279: Falkland Islands #2O



Inside #280: Falkland Islands #3O

Inside #281: Falkland Islands #4O


Scott: #291P, #292P, #293P

Issued: 27.8.1979

Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill

#121 Inside #291: Falkland Islands #121O

#1 Inside #292: Falkland Islands #1O

#1 LJ Inside #293: GB #1 [R-A]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project http://www.arcieriminerva.it/SOS/homeSOS.htm

#37 #38 Inside #294: Falkland Islands #37O or #38O


Scott: #294PP

[International Stamp Exhibition "London 1980" - London, England, type IA]

Scott: #304P

Issued: 06.05.1980

International Stamp Exhibition "London 1980" 

Inside #304: Falkland Islands cancels



Scott: #371-4P

Issued: 14.3.1983

Commonwealth Day



Inside #371: Falkland Islands #69O

Inside #372: Falkland Islands #65O



Inside #373: Falkland Islands 75O

Inside #374: Falkland Islands #370O


Scott: #541-4P

Issued: 10.9.1991

Centenary of Bisects

#9 Inside #541: Falkland Islands #9O

#14 Inside #541: Falkland Islands #15O

[No. 5 & 5B Halfed and Surcharged, type B] Inside #542-3: Falkland Islands #19O


Scott: #781P

Issued: 24.5.2001

The Age of Victoria, Death Centenary of Queen Victoria

#1 Inside #781: Falkland Islands #1O



Scott: #862-5O

Issued: 31.8.2004

125th Death Anniversary, Sir Rowland Hill


#20 Inside #862: Falkland Islands #20O

2s 6d Queen Victoria: The first large postage stamps were issued in the Islands in 1898, values 2s. 6d. and 5s. The 2s. 6d. value reproduced in this issue won an international award as the “Most Beautiful Stamp in the World” and attracted many collectors to the Falkland Islands although it’s use was primarily for Government revenue purposes and the heavy mail packages of the Falkland Islands Company. Recess printed by Bradbury Wilkinson in a quantity of 6,000 it’s design formed the basis for all subsequent high value stamps of the Falklands during the reigns of King Edward VII and King George V until 1929.

#74 Inside #863: Falkland Islands #74O

5s. Penguin :The Centenary of British Administration of the Falkland Islands occurred in 1933 and was marked by the issue in January 1933 of a set of 12 postage stamps featuring pictorial designs principally by George Roberts, the Colonial Engineer. These beautiful stamps received worldwide acclaim and one of the most attractive was the 5s. value featuring a King Penguin. The penguin population on the Islands is exceptional but although thought to have been fairly common at the time of early settlement the breeding numbers of King Penguins are now low, following early uncontrolled demand for its oil. It is now fully protected.

#94 Inside #864: Falkland Islands #94O

5s. Sea Lion: The prestigious ranking (philatelic ally) of the Falkland Islands was established by the quality of the printing and design of the stamp issues. The 1938 pictorial definitive issue, the first of the reign of George VI, enhanced this reputation with almost half of the designs featuring wildlife for which the Islands are acclaimed. The 75p value reproduces the 5s. value of the 1938 set and shows a Sea Lion which is relatively common in the Islands, breeding between late December and late January.

#151a Inside #865: Falkland Islands #151aO

6d Battle of the Falklands – Error: The 50th Anniversary of the Battle of the Falkland Islands was commemorated in 1964 by the issue of 4 postage stamps. The overwhelming naval victory by a British Squadron under the command of Admiral Sturdee had a significant influence on the 1914-1918 war and is commemorated to this day with a Public Holiday. This exceptional error resulted from 1 sheet printed with the vignette of HMS Glasgow (for the 2d value) being misplaced with those printed with the vignette of HMS Kent. When the second stage of the printing process took place the single sheet showing HMS Glasgow received the background printing of HMS Kent and a value of 6d. Despite the stringent security measures applied by the printers, De La Rue and Co Ltd, the error came onto the market and was first noticed in North America in 1970. The owner had purchased the set in 1965 and noticed that it featured HMS Glasgow on 2 values, assuming this to be quite normal. It was only later, after reading an article in a British Philatelic Magazine, that he realised that he had a major error on his hands. To date no more than 20 examples of this stamp have come to light. Demand for this error is reflected in it’s market value, nearly “£20,000.


“Father of Penny Postage” – the man who brought the Empire together.

From:P Bureau

Sir Rowland Hill - the distinguished postal reformer and later Secretary to the Post Office, who brought about the introduction of a Uniform Penny Postage rate for Great Britain in 1840. There had been strong pressures for postal reform in the 1830’s when postage was calculated according to the distance and the number of sheets in a letter with payment normally met by the addressee. Hill was at the forefront of the campaign for reform and was particularly concerned that senders of letters were unaware of the cost, which acted as a deterrent and resulted in some rejection of letters at the point of delivery.

In a pamphlet published in 1837 entitled “Post Office Reform: Its Importance and Practicability” Hill advocated pre-payment of postage by means of adhesive labels at a uniform rate. Following consideration of the proposals by a Select Committee who reported favorably on them, Parliament agreed to the reforms. The first penny stamp was issued on 6 May 1840. Hill was appointed by the Treasury to supervise the introduction of the reforms.

Postage stamps were introduced in the Falkland Islands in June 1878 but the cost of writing home to friends and family remained high and was clearly a deterrent for the growing stream of immigrants from Britain. However, in common with other Colonies, the Falklands were to benefit from the sustained and unstinting pressure in Parliament and the Press of a later postal reformed, the Member of Parliament Sir John Henniker-Heaton.

Inspired by Rowland Hill’s Uniform Penny Postage in Britain, Henniker-Heaton sought to extend it throughout the British Empire. Sir John had himself been an emigrant from Britain, traveling to Australia at 16. He had experienced the problems of keeping in touch with home at a reasonable cost. In Parliament he stressed the need to provide the best possible communication between the Home Country and her Colonies and Dominions and that penny postage should not be bound by “the seas that wash our shores”.

He had hoped to achieve his aim during Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee year in 1897 but succeeded in 1898 when, on Christmas Day, Falkland Islanders could write home at a cost of one penny, the same as the internal rate. His image and that of the one penny stamp used at the time, appear on the first day cover that accompanies this fine set.

The Henniker-Heaton link with the Falklands continued when Sir John’s son, Herbert, became firstly the Colonial Secretary (1921-1925) and the Governor (1935-1941). Herbert’s daughter Anne married Norman Keith Cameron of Port San Carlos, East Falklands, in 1945 and their children have made significant contributions to island affairs, Sukey being the current Government representative in London and Jane being the Government Archivist in Stanley.


Scott: #1273-6O

Issued: 07.09.2020

50th Anniversary, The Philatelic Study Group

[Queen Victoria - New Watermark, type D] Inside #1273: Falkland Islands #21O

#74 Inside #1274: Falkland Islands #74O

#94 Inside #1275: Falkland Islands #94O

Lou wrote: On the left side of the £1.04 v, # 1275 is the cover of a The Falkland Islands Study Group periodical which reproduces blocks of four of the two printings of Falkland Islands # 179, so this should be added to the site

 Inside #1275: Falkland Islands #179O

#151a Inside #1276: Falkland Islands #151aO

Lou wrote: Great looking set with stamps under magnifier design, but sadly, 3 of the 4 SoS were on the previous 2004 issue. Supposedly, the stamps were picked by the members of the study group, and as outstanding as the 1933 and 1938 designs shown are, there are others in those sets just as good looking and of similar value. I always thought any design showing the 1966 error stamp should also include the two 'normal" stamps that had their cruiser vignettes exchanged, so that the error would be apparent to anyone not familiar with it. Sadly number two, almost hidden on this stamp is a cover with a very rare pre-stamp that should have had its own stamp. The marking - a small rectangle with the wording: FALKLAND/ ISLANDS./PAID. indicates that postage had been prepaid. Many collectors consider this the first stamp of the Falkland Islands and Stanley Gibbons lists it before the regular stamp issues. I have been waiting for this franking to appear on a stamp for many years, having written to the Falklands back in the '90s for a commemorative issue for its 125th anniversary in 1994 - so better late than never.

falkland is  detail


falkland is SG FR1 black frank 1869

Inside #1276: Falkland Islands SG FR1 black frank 1869

falkland is  fdc   9 7 20

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

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P Bureau


Stamp Traders




Wish List



Falkland Islands #1

Falkland Islands #2



Falkland Islands #3

Falkland Islands #4


Falkland Islands #9


Falkland Islands #15

[No. 5 & 5B Halfed and Surcharged, type B]

Falkland Islands #19


Falkland Islands #20

#37 #38

Falkland Islands #37 or #38


Falkland Islands #43 for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Falkland Islands #52 for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

[King George V, type XXF2]

Falkland Islands #56 for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Falkland Islands #1L18 for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Falkland Islands #1LB1 for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Falkland Islands #3L8 for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Falkland Islands #65


Falkland Islands #69


Falkland Islands #74


Falkland Islands 75


Scott: #105O (CD308)


Falkland Islands #94


Falkland Islands #121


Falkland Islands #151a

Falkland Islands #179

Falkland Islands #298 for Cyprus

Falkland Islands #339 for Isle of Man


Falkland Islands #370

Falkland Is. #535 for Central Africa, Sierra Leone

[Endangered Species - King Penguin, type QZ]

Falkland Is. #536 for Sierra Leone, Chad, Guinea, Togo

Falkland Is. #537 for Sierra Leone

Falkland Is #538 for Niger, Togo



Scott: #862-5

Guinea Bissau_image604

Falkland Is. #920 for Guinea-Bissau

Falkland Is. #1030 for Guinea-Bissau

Falkland Is. #1031 for Central Africa, Niger, Guinea-Bissau

Falkland Is. #1032 for Guinea-Bissau

Falkland Is. #1033 for Guinea-Bissau


Scott: #????-?O

Falkland Is. #???? (2019) for Sierra Leone