Czechoslovakia stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Czechoslovakia or Czecho-Slovakia was a sovereign state in Central Europe which existed from October 1918, when it declared its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, until 1992. From 1939 to 1945 the state did not de facto exist due to its forced division and partial incorporation into Nazi Germany, but the Czechoslovak government-in-exile nevertheless continued to exist during this period. In 1945 the eastern part of Carpathian Ruthenia was taken over by the Soviet Union. On 1 January 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

See: Czech stamps

See: Slovakia stamps


Scott: #368P (B)

Issued: 18.12.1948

30th Anniversary, First Czech Stamp

#1 Inside #368: Czechoslovakia Type A1P, 1918


Scott: #647PP

Issued: 25.09.1954


Inside #647: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #811PP

Issued: 8.6.1957

Youth Philatelic Exhibition

Inside #811: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #896PP

Issued: 18.12.1958

40th Anniversary of First Czech Stamp

  Inside #896: Czechoslovakia Type A2P, 1919 (Pic of #36)


Designer "error"

Lou wrote: The design does not reproduce the first stamp of 1918 per the anniversary, but a later issue of 1919, and obviously, the designer felt that including the white blotches of the foliage would not miniaturize well, so he left them off, just like Mucha did on later Hradcany issues. Curiously, the cachet on the official first day cover reproduces an undenominated essay of the correct 1918 issue, so somebody knew the difference.

czechoslovakia 896 cacheted fdc

sos czechoslovakia 23 1919 sos czechoslovakia 23 modified-- white foreground foliage removed

Reproduced: Czechoslovakia #23P (1919), modified: white foreground foliage removed.


Scott: #988-9PP

Issued: 11.7.1960

National Stamp Exhibition

 Inside #988, #989: Czechoslovakia #226PP

 Inside #988: Czechoslovakia #881P

Inside #988: Czechoslovakia #989P

SOSOSOS Stamp On Stamp On Stamp On Stamp

Scansioni n. 118.jpg

From SOSCC Forum - Posted by ilsergente

Scott: #1069P

Issued: 25.9.1961

26th session of the Governor’s Council of the Red Cross Societies League, Prague.

 Czechoslovakia Type A382P (Pic of #973) (B)

Scott: #1071P

Issued: 23.10.1961

PRAGA 1962


#1 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #1P

 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #1030P

Scott 120 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #120PP

 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #534P

 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #885P

 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #813PP

#811 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #811PP

 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #C23PP

 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #988P

#979 Inside #1071: Czechoslovakia #979P

Scott: #????P

Issued: 1962

PRAGA 1962

Inside #????: Pseudo Stamps

Scott: #1361P

Issued: 18.12.1965

Stamp Day

Inside #1361: Pseudo Stamps


Scott: #1514P

Issued: 18.12.1967

Stamp Day

 Inside #1514: Czechoslovakia #81P

#65 Inside #1514: Czechoslovakia #65P(Changed color)

 Inside #1514: Czechoslovakia #71PP (Changed color)

Scott: #C59-64P

Issued: 30.10.1967


Inside #C60-1: Pseudo Stamp

 Inside #C62: Austria #3P(Bulgaria)

Scan not available Inside #C63: TBI / Pseudo Stamp


 Inside #C64: Netherlands #9O (Changed color)

Scott: #C65P

Inside #C65: Pseudo Stamp on Label

Scott: #1554P

Issued: 22.6.1968

PRAGA '68, 50th Anniversary, Czechoslovakian Stamps

#1 Inside #1554: Czechoslovakia Type A1P, 1918

Scott: #1581P

Issued: 28.10.1968

50th Anniversary of the Founding of Czechoslovakia

Inside #1581: Czechoslovakia,

Bohemian Lion Breaking Chains

 Type SP1P, 1919

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert



Scott: #1600P

Issued: 18.12.1968

50th Anniversary, Czechoslovakian Stamps

 Inside #1600: Czechoslovakia #2P(changed color)

 Inside #1600: Czechoslovakia #3P(changed color)


Scott: #1663P

Issued: 18.12.1969

Stamp Day

Inside #1663: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #1726P

Issued: 18.12.1970

Stamp Day

#65 Inside #1726: Czechoslovakia #65P (or B2) (changed color)


Scott: #1914P

Issued: 18.12.1973

Stamp Day, 55th Anniversary of Czech Stamps

Inside #1914: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #2154P

Issued: 18.12.1977

Stamp Day

Inside #2154: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #2196P

Issued: 10.9.1978


Inside #2196: Pseudo Stamp

Mi #P206O

Imprinted postal card

Issued: 10.9.1978

PRAGA '78 - Exhibition/Czech Stamp Day/60th Anniversary of Czech Stamps


#1 Inside Mi #P206: Czechoslovakia #1P

#65 Inside Mi #P206: Czechoslovakia #65P

 Inside Mi #P206: Czechoslovakia #1691O

 Inside Mi #P206: Czechoslovakia #1933O

The card also exists in a printing variety with inscriptions in color brown ochre instead of orange.


Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott 2217

Scott: #2217P

Issued: 18.12.1978

60th Stamp Day

 Inside #2217: Mucha essay art work like Czechoslovakia #5P

Scott: #2224P

Issued: 2.3.1979

1st Anniversary, Joint Czechoslovakia-Russian Space Flight

 Inside #2224: Czechoslovakia #2160P

Scott: #2340P

Issued: 18.12.1980

Stamp Day

Inside #2340: Pseudo Stamp


Scott: #2347aP

Issued: 10.5.1981

WIPA '81

#40_1 Inside #2347a (In Margin): Austria #40P

Scott: #2391P

Issued: 18.12.1981

Stamp Day

 Inside #2391: Czechoslovakia 63P

Eduard Karel (1861-1950), attended the Goldsmith School in Prague, later named the High School of Applied Arts. In 1881, he began metal engraving studies with Prof. Unger and wood engraving with Prof. Hecht at the High School of Applied Arts in Vienna. In 1899, Karel returned to Czechoslovakia.

Scott: #2442P

Issued: 18.12.1982

Stamp Day

 Inside #2442: A part from AP9 - Czechoslovakia #C25P

Jaroslav Goldschmeid (1890-1977).  His postage stamp engraving was probably limited to Czechoslovakia.


Scott: #2492P

Issued: 18.12.1983

Stamp Day

 Inside #2492: Czechoslovakia #114PP (changed color)

Karl Friedrich Seizinger (1889-1978), was born in Germany and died in the Netherlands. After his apprenticeship as an engraver, he worked at the Cartographic Institute in Berlin. After World War I Seisinger engraved in Finland and then Czechoslovakia. From 1924-1929 he studied with Max Svabinsky at the Academy of Graphic Arts in Prague. Seizinger fled Czechoslovakia to avoid the approaching Germans during World War II and moved to Yugoslavia, where he engraved postage stamps. He moved to Croatia and untimately to the Netherlands where he engraved postage stamps and bank notes for Joh. Enschede and Sons.

slovakia 2517 sheetlet-- without additional inscriptions

Scott: #2517P

Issued: 12.6.1984


Inside #2517 (in Margin): Stamps on an envelopes

Scott: #2541P

Issued: 18.12.1984

Stamp Day

Bohumil Heinz (1894-1940), studied drawing under J. Benda, V.H. Brunner, J. Schusser, A. Jakesch, and F. Kysela in Prague. He engraved postage stamps for Czechoslovakia, Great Britain and her colonies, Greece, and Sweden and bank notes for 16 countries.


 Inside #2541: Czechoslovakia #232P

Lou Guadagno wrote: This was a challenge when it came out. I wanted so much for there to be some part of a previous stamp in the design so that I could include it with all the previous Czech stamp artists in the series.

The design is a strange one, since it appears to show a (memorial?) plaque, the “stamp” being engraved is much too large and, although the right hand holds a burin, the numerals and lettering are not in reverse.

It took me quite a while of going thru my albums and catalogs for stamps engraved by Heinz, but I finally found it.  It was the 50h value of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Purkyne issued in 1937; the 50h of the value and JAN EV of the inscription can be made out with a magnifier. This is probably one of the most difficult identification I ever made.

Scott: #2591P

Issued: 18.12.1985

Stamp Day

 Inside #2591: Czechoslovakia Aerogramme Plate H&G F61O

Bohdan Roule (1921-1960), Sc2591. Roule studied under F. Tichy and K. Vodak and engraved 54 postage stamps for Czechoslovakia.



Scott: #2609O

Issued: 3.6.1986

60th Anniversary, International Philatelic Federation

Inside #2609: Pseudo Stamp


Inside #2609 (right label): postmark on an envelope

Scott: #2617PP

Issued: 02.09.1986


Inside #2617: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #2639P

Issued: 18.12.1986

Stamp Day

sos czechoslovakia 88 1920 (2) Inside #2639: Czechoslovakia #88PP

sos czechoslovakia essay 1919 (2) Inside #2639: Czechoslovakia Essay 25h (1918)

Scott: #2683P

Issued: 18.12.1987

Stamp Day

 Inside #2683: Czechoslovakia Type SP1 – (#B126P)

Lou wrote: I think this scan is worth adding to your Czech site. I think this was the only time the Czechs did a special mini-sheetlet for Stamp Day.


Mi #P239O

Imprinted postal card

Issued: 10.8.1988

PRAGA '88 - Exhibition/Czech Stamp Day/70th Anniversary of Czech Stamps

 Inside Mi #P239: Czechoslovakia #31P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott 2714

Scott: #2714P

Issued: 18.8.1988

PRAGA '88, 70th Anniversary Czech Stamps

#3 Inside #2714 (In Margin): Czechoslovakia #3P


Lou Guadagno wrote: For Czecho Sc 2714 s/s I went a different way for the SOS ID. Even with my very-liberal design component guidelines, the added “stamp” in the lower margin was really a Type B revalued reissue, since it is, as you show, Sc #3 with a modern value, but I put it in my lists anyway. However, two years or so ago, I re-went thru the set-aside duplicates and Type B SOS material from an auction lot I had bought some time before (when I opted to add the Design Component category, I wanted to see what could now fit into my collection).  One of the items was the Czecho s/s, Sc # 368, which did not make the cut for several reasons—the stamp is a pure Type B revalue/reissue, and per the original SOSCU definitions, a s/s could not be a SOS unless the stamp of value was a SOS design, or the s/s itself was valued somewhere in the margin.  I was going to put it back into the envelope when I got that “this looks familiar” feeling.  A quick run thru my on line collection came up with Sc # 2714—the “stamp” and value on both were identical except for the colors!   I got to add the 1948 s/s to my collection—not as a SOS issue, but as a stamp on a stamp.

My Czechoslovakia # 2714 ID now reads: In margin of sheet: Czechoslovakia #368 (from s/s)—modified: changed color.

%23Mi%20bl77A%20praga%2088%20perf%20ss%20margin #Mi bl 77B praga 88 imperf ss margin

Mi Block 77A perfP, 77B imperf

Scott: #2690 (Note)

Issued: 26.8.1988


#637 Inside #2690 (In margin) Czechoslovakia #637P

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #2724PP

Issued: 18.12.1988

Stamp Day

  Inside #2724: Czechoslovakia #P17P

(Czechoslovakia Essay for unaccepted design)


(partial engraved plate, in reverse)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #2769PP

Issued: 18.12.1989

Stamp Day

#241  Inside #2769: Czechoslovakia #241PP

(Detail of the stamp, in changed color)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno


Scott: #2789P

Issued: 6.5.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

#2 Inside #2789: G.B. #2

ESSAY-plate Inside #2789: G.B. #1 – Essay

#2789 FCD

Scott: #2814P

Issued: 18.12.1990

Stamp Day

 Inside #2814: Czechoslovakia #1182O (B)


Scott: #2849P

Issued: 18.12.1991

Stamp Day

#41 Inside #2849: Slovakia #41O

Scott: #2876P

Issued: 18.12.1992

Stamp Day

Inside #2876: Pseudo Stamp

Jindra Schmidt (1897-1984), worked with K. Kabelka at one of the last woodcutting workshops in Prague. From 1914 to 1917 he attended the High School of Applied Art in Prague where he studied under Prof. Hofbauer. Schmidt is one of the most prolific engravers of Czech postage stamps. He also engraved stamps for Bulgaria, Ethiopia, and Iraq. I was fortunate to have had indirect contact with Jindra Schmidt a few years before he died. I am delighted to have some of his work that bears his signature, including a self portrait with a personalized dedication.

Best website related:

Entrance Hall of the fascinating world of Czech and Slovak stamps


[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of A. Jirasek - Author, type ED]

 Czechoslovakia #474 for Czech Rep.


Czechoslovakia #1082

Czechoslovakia #1086

[Butterflies and Moths, type ACA]

Czechoslovakia #1089

Czechoslovakia #1090




Scout post

Czechoslovakian Local Scout Stamp for Maldives Is.


Czechoslovakian Local Scout Stamp - Mi II for St. Vincent Grenadines